Friday, May 1, 2009

May Daze

Just finished a fabric collage which I have sewn to a canvas bag and finished painting a bird with acrylics on canvas. Why am I mentioning this? That's my excuse for not blogging in so long...I'll upload a photo of it. I've been trying to stretch my wings and try lots of other mediums. My newest project that I am currently working on is a little figurine made of paperclay. I plan to attach it to a box I previously made.

I just updated my Etsy shop with some more tag designs. Take a look if you get a chance. I digitally collaged them and I think they turned out nicely.

Saw the movie "State of Play" and thought it was great. If you like a good thriller this is a good one to see (with Russel Crowe).

Well, I will strive to keep my blog updated more frequently but if by chance you notice its been awhile you know I am working on something fun and exciting so keep checking back.

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