Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sunday Musings

I am up early today so I am using this rare spare time to update my blog. So many exciting things have been happening lately! My daughter and I have decided to try selling our crafts at the upcoming Crafty Wonderland in Portland, Oregon. This will be our first venture into selling at a craft show and I've heard good things about this one. Looking forward to meeting all the artisans and seeing their handcrafted items...If you have done this show I'd like to hear from you! and if you are in the area on Sunday April 13 stop by our booth and say hello!

Lately I have had this desire to do some photography. I used to love to paint barn scenes (there is just something about the look of old weathered barn siding that makes my senses go crazy) but I haven't picked up my paint brushes in too many years so may photography will be my next adventure. I will post up some photos when I get a chance to get out and about to do some shoots. If any of you like to do that sort of thing, any hints would be much appreciated.

Like many of my fellow crafter's I have lots of other interests. One of them is antiquing. I rent a space locally where I sell my antiques and this morning I am heading down there to do a little redecorating. I like to change things up once in awhile so browsers will have new things to see. What I like to personally collect are hand embroidered linens, pillows, old pin cushions, actually anything old relating to sewing and of course old German valentines, cards, etc.

Sometimes I feel like there is just not enough time in this world for me to indulge in everything I want to see, do and experience! So, I better get going... so until the next time, have a great day.

PS I'd love to hear from any of you about your interests, feel free to contact me.